Faith. You can’t get saved without it. You can’t walk the Christian walk without it. You can’t win the victory without it. You can’t please God without it. Faith is a spiritual force that, when fully developed, subdues kingdoms, works righteousness, obtains promises, stops the mouths of lions, and quenches the violence of fire (Hebrews 11:33-34, NKJV). And faith doesn’t just deliver the victory into your hands – faith gives glory to God.
Not just any faith, but the kind of faith that honours God as trustworthy, faithful, powerful, and loving. It means acknowledging His glory – His manifested presence, power, and goodness. And it is also connected to love (Galatians 5:6). So, faith in God is expressing love to God. Imagine saying to your spouse or good friend, “I love you, but I don’t believe you.” That doesn’t sound much like love! “Love…always trusts” (1 Corinthians 13:7, EXB). If you aren’t trusting God – taking Him at His Word – are you really loving Him?
Faith works for the people who will put it to work. And it gives God glory in front of a cloud of witnesses. Faith that gives glory to God is faith that is fully persuaded, doesn’t consider the circumstances, acts on the Word and stays out of strife. Find out if you fit the bill, and if not, how to get there.
1. Faith That Is Fully Persuaded Gives Glory to God
“Being fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was able to perform.” – Romans 4:21 (MEV)
Society is rife with scepticism these days. Negative sayings abound: “Don’t believe it unless you see it,” and “If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is.” Couple that with endless statistics about the low likelihood of success in any given area, and it’s easy to see why people struggle to have faith! So, if you’re going to church and hearing encouragement one day each week, but you fill up on cynicism the rest of the week – your faith is in trouble!
You’ll want to believe, and you’ll even feel like you have faith – but you won’t be fully persuaded. If you’re fully persuaded, you don’t have one foot in faith and the other in fear. Fully persuaded faith is all in – there’s no middle ground. When you’re fully persuaded, you aren’t wishing or hoping – instead, you know that what God said is true and for YOU.
That seems like a high level of faith, so how do we get there? By renewing our minds. To renew means to “rebuild and re-energize.” It’s a continual process of rebuilding the truth of the Word of God into a mind that is constantly exposed to things of the world. One way you can help is by limiting that exposure!
Fully persuaded faith gives glory to God because it honours Him as trustworthy, faithful, just, and final authority. That’s what Abraham did when God told him that he and Sarah would conceive a child in their old age. He could have come up with a lot of “logic” and “common sense” and medical data, family history, what happened to the neighbours, and so much more to counter this promise and let doubt creep in. But he didn’t. Instead, “he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God” (Romans 4:20-21, KJV).
Being strong in faith is giving glory to God by being fully persuaded that He’s able to do what He promised (verse 21). It’s putting more trust in God and His Word than in anything else on this planet. God said, “I have made you the father of many nations” (Genesis 17:5, AMPC). For Abraham, what God said was enough.
2. Faith That Doesn’t Consider the Circumstances Gives Glory to God
“He considered not his own body….” – Romans 4:19 (KJV)
Abraham “considered” not the circumstances. Consider means “to use the mind.” That’s using reason, natural facts, scientific studies, what happened last time or anything else you can think of. Instead, he chose to tune in to his heart. That’s where belief comes – in the spirit man.
You are a spirit, you have a soul (mind, will and emotions), and you live in a body (flesh). Your spirit is the born-again, re-created part of you with the Holy Spirit dwelling within. Your soul is the intellectual side of your being, and your body is the flesh, or carnal side.
So, when symptoms of sickness, for example, show up in your body, your flesh is very in tune with those symptoms. The spirit knows the truth about the matter, so that leaves your mind. Whichever way your mind goes – it’s two against one. So, if your mind sides with your flesh, you’re going to give more weight to your circumstances than anything else. But if you have a renewed mind – one that has been trained to come into agreement with God’s Word – you have two against one on the other side because your soul is now agreeing with your spirit. That is how you become fully persuaded.
So, when symptoms show up declaring sickness, lack, decrease, family failure or anything else against the Word of God, faith that gives glory to God won’t consider them. It won’t ignore them, but it won’t give them first place. When you say, “Yeah, but the doctor said…” or “Well, just look at my bank account,” you’ve already fallen off the faith line.
Does your faith honour and praise Him? Or does it question His goodness and His grace? Does it magnify Him, or does it believe symptoms, bank accounts and trouble in this world over what He has to say? Faith that gives glory to God says to God: “You said it, and that’s enough for me.” Don’t glorify your circumstances – give glory to God!